

Exemples concrets de projets accomplis.

Pour la restauration & les snacks

Adnresto est spécialement élaboré pour répondre aux besoins des restaurants, boucheries, traiteurs, snacks, et de toute personne évoluant dans le secteur alimentaire et souhaitant proposer une plateforme de vente en ligne.

11 Inner Pages

Everything you ever wanted for your website is included in RestaurentZone. With its extremely
dedicated settings, your site will be able to stand out from other sites.

Key Features

Everything you ever wanted for your website is included in RestaurentZone. With its extremely
dedicated settings, your site will be able to stand out from other sites.


13 Home & 11 Inner Pages

RestaurentZone Html template comes with 13 Home Pages & 11 Inner Pages


Responsive Design

This Template is 100% Responsive & Pixel Perfect Design & Responsive typography with REMs. It's Fits any device perfectly


Cross browser Support

Cross browser Support – Tested in IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, iOS, Android and Blackberry.


Valid HTML

Some powerful HTML files 100% valid W3 web standards & Valid by W3C Markup Validation Service.


Less Files & Gulp Task

LESS & Gulp File are Available, Unlimited Color with LESS.


Modular code

Modular code that allow to Customize Easily & Well Documented.


Colour variations

8 Predefined stylesheet & Supports unlimited colour variations powered by Less.


Support & Upgrade

Our Team Provide Quick, Dedicated, Professional & Excellent support! Lifetime Free Upgrade.



It's the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.